
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

President Obama Calls For Healing in Wake of Dana White's Profanity-Laced Tirade

President Barack Obama called for healing today in the wake of UFC Chief Potty Mouth Dana White's profanity-laced tirade, a tirade that rocked the nation's very foundation after it aired on the Internet last week. Speaking to the ailing country from the Oval Office, the Commander in Chief spoke of unity and bi-partisanship, and the strength and resolve of all being tested in this difficult time. "We as a people have lost our innocence," said Mr. Obama. "But we will heal, and we will emerge from this crisis a better nation for it." No word yet on whether there will be military action taken against Dana White, but reports indicate that elements of the 82nd Airborne have been mobilized to Las Vegas.

Response to Assemblyman Bob Reilly's Anti-MMA Memo

Check out . Someone knowledgeable about mixed martial arts in New York wrote an opposition piece to Assemblyman Bob Reilly's Anti-MMA memo "The Case Against Ultimate Fighting in New York".

Lyman Good Has Been Sleeping in a Cage

How prepared will Lyman Good, the Team Tiger Schulmann welterweight star scheduled to fight at Bellator FC 2 this Friday, be when he squares off against Hector Urbina? Let me put it to you this way: Good has been sleeping in a cage. Seriously. For weeks. Put another way, King of the Cage veteran Urbina might have an edge in experience and has no doubt been training hard, but at the end of the day where does he go to bed? Is it in the cage at the gym? Is it? No? Well, Good - who normally lives in Spanish Harlem with his mother and sisters - hasn't been going home. He's been curling up in the cage at the TSMMA training center in New Jersey. Forget Good's top-level conditioning, epic grappling and deadly striking skills, when the referee says "go!" he's going to tear Urbina's head off out of pure mental anguish.