
Monday, July 19, 2010

From the Department of Corrections

That Dan Severn seminar slated for Ultimate Karate USA's school in Spanish Harlem tonight is now a Phillippe Nover seminar.  The address is 1950 Third Avenue.  Scheduled topics will include "Punching People in the Face Real Hard 101" and "Eating Balut (a Filipino delicacy of cooked duck fetus)".

Take On Muay Thai Tournament Postscript

Sitan's Omar Ahmed is the man, Bellmore Kickboxing's Terence Hill is beastly with his hands, and of course nothing beats a one-night eight-man tournament in terms of building excitement.  Eleven decisions out of 12 fights was brutal, but unless you have mismatches, there's nothing you can really do about that.  Overall, it was a great event with some very talented Muay Thai fighters.