
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Flashback: Aggressive Combat Championship - 5.10.14


Aggressive Combat Championship 7 is just about upon us, so here's a look back at their last show, which took place in May at the same venue in Queens. On Saturday you can expect more of this brand of thrills and action.

Pics From the Last MMA Platinum Gloves


In case you missed the last MMA Platinum Gloves event on Long Island, fear not, photographer Joe LoBianco has got you covered. Check them out here.

Check Out This Commercial for the Upcoming Fighters Source Show


On July 26, the MMA World Expo at the Javits Center will play host to the culmination of Fighters Source's latest national amateur MMA tournament. If the prospect of seeing top amateurs from across the country isn't enough to convince you to come check it out, maybe this video will do the trick.

UFC COO Ike Lawrence Epstein Talks MMA


There was another installment of the Columbia University Sports Management Program's class on MMA in New York last night, and the guest lecturer was a doozy. UFC Chief Operating Officer Ike Lawrence Epstein took a turn with the conch shell, and with New York-based lobbyists David Weinraub and Steve Greenberg on hand, the pearls of wisdom were seemingly endless.

The class began with a sizzle reel, then came a Power Point presentation packed with all kinds of great info. After that came a lengthy question-and-answer session.

Some of the more salient points of the knowledge dropped by Epstein, Weinraub and Greenberg included: