
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pennsylvania Promoters in a Legal Kerfluffle


It seems that no matter where you go, there are always promoters who don't get along. Such is the case in Pennsylvania, where one promoter has filed suit in federal court saying he's been unfairly shut out of the lucrative market there.

Here's the Pennsylvania Record with the deets:

The Best of Aggressive Combat Championships


Aggressive Combat Championship 8 is set to go down this weekend at York College Arena in Jamaica, Queens, and as usual, some of the top MMA teams in New York will be clashing in the cage. From Tiger Schulmann MMA and Kai Next Level Martial Arts to Striking 101 and Bellmore Kickboxing, ACC 8 will have them all - and take my word for it, there's nothing more entertaining than sitting among hundreds of screaming spectators rooting for their boy (or girl).

In the spirit of hyping this event, here are three blasts from the past. Check them out and you'll have a good idea of what to expect on Saturday night.