Boy, it’s been so long since we had an installment of UFC that this Sunday’s UFC on Versus 2: “Jones vs. Matyushenko” seems like more of a treat than it really should be. I mean, the damn thing is packed to the gills with guys who at some point in their lives donned a wrestling singlet and got lectured about staph infections and showering with soap. Seriously, is Joe Silva getting paid under the table by the United Wrestlers Union? Anyhoo, predictions!
- Once upon a time, Takanori Gomi crapped awesomeness and bled cool. Now he’s just crappy and bleeds. Tyson Griffin is going to smoosh him.
- John Howard can punch really hard, as can Jake Ellenberger. As they can both wrestler as well, expect one of them to win by omoplata. Or something. I don’t know.
- Mark Munoz barely made it past Kendall Grove in his last fight, and Grove is no where near the fighter Yushin Okami is. Can you see where I’m going with this? That’s right. Referee Big John McCarthy via TKO.
- Man, that Vladimir Matyushenko was totally killer in that fight he had years ago against whoever. Too bad he has to fight contemporary rising star Jon Jones now and not back when Jones was still in junior high school.
- Jones via spinning back-spleen-kick/toehold combo.