Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why Do Upstate New York Fighters Kick NYC Fighters' Asses So Much?


On Saturday, Fighters Source launched their newest season with a mega-event in Alabama that pitted teams from different parts of the country against each other. On the menu was a team from Syracuse versus a team from New York City.

Team NYC got its ass kicked.

It almost feels like this shouldn't happen - the Big Apple is home to many high-level MMA schools, so many in fact that if you were to toss a four-ounce glove in any direction on a Manhattan street, it would hit someone who knows how to throw a punch and nail an armbar. But when it comes to the statistical history of "downstaters" going against "upstaters", it appears as if those who live south of the Tappan Zee Bridge are invariably coming up short.

Let's consider the facts: