Okay, you know the drill: there’s news out there, and MMA Journalist is just not satisfied regurgitating it in plain-vanilla form. So! Limericks! Enjoy!
- There once was a UFC Down Under.
- Fedor wanted to compete in sambo.
- Guess who failed once again to make weight?
- Josh Gross is a man on mission
Why hold one there you may wonder?
“Because there’s money to be made,”
That’s what Dana White said.
“Plus, holding this card in the States would be a blunder.”
“Oh no you can’t,” said Nick Lembo.
“Your face just got pounded like veal –
Give the damn thing time to heal.
Besides, who do you think you are? Rambo?”
I’ll give you a clue: he says “mate”.
He is also a Brit
And his best move is to hit.
If you said “Paul Daley”, man, you’re great.
So he calls each athletic commission.
You should just sit back and relax
As Josh gathers all the facts
And discovers Strikeforce’s secret venue ambition.