Friday, September 28, 2007

MMA Paparazzi Zack Lynch Not Afraid to Run You Off the Road for a Good Photo Op

Zack Lynch did not sneak into a dressing room before a show to slip crystal meth into Jerry Spiegel's water bottle, nor did he hide in the bushes outside Joe Lauzon's house for three days or set fire to a hotel and snap pictures of the fleeing fighters. Lynch, part-time FCF lensman and full-time camera-ronin, did not do any of these things for the sake of a good photo opportunity. Yet. But give the man - who's a cross between Ansel Adams, Dennis Hopper's photojournalist character in "Apocalypse Now", and the paparazzi that may or may not have played a role in Princess Diana's death - some time. Until then, check out his work at

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