Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Resolution Delayed in Zuffa vs. New York Lawsuit


The Office of the Attorney General has asked for - and gotten - an extension on the deadlines for all the motions and responses that were supposed to be flying around around now in regards to the ongoing lawsuit Zuffa filed against the State. If you'll recall, Judge Kimba Wood recently put her foot down on all that stuff, making a resolution to the case seem imminent. Alas, that has changed.

As per MMAPayout:
In a letter to the Court on June 25, 2014, the New York Attorney General requested an extension of time as one of its lead attorneys on the case was leaving the office on July 3rd. In addition, New York indicated that key non-party witnesses were out of the office and could not be contacted. It appears that these witnesses would provide declarations that would support New York’s Motion for Summary Judgment which, if the Court granted, would effectively end the lawsuit. New York also argues that Zuffa’s Complaint is long and two weeks to respond to Zuffa’s Response to its moving papers would not be enough time.
MMAPayout has the document embedded so you can read the sob story if you want, but honestly, lawyers are people too and things happen that require a little flexibility. Besides, so what if the dates are pushed back a month or two? NEW YORK STATE IS STILL GOING TO LOSE.

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